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Costco’s Strategy Yields Record-Breaking Campaign

Costco wrapped up their campaign on May 31st and preliminary numbers are in! The $32.5 million raised represents a $3.3 million (12%) increase year over year and a $1.5 million (5%) increase over their 2018 goal. With more than 500 locations in the US, Costco’s store average for 2018 was an astounding $63,000 per location. This includes golf tournaments, regional fundraising and Costco’s generous corporate contribution.


None of this would have been possible if not for Costco’s amazing culture. Costco’s culture of giving starts at the very top, with their CEO, and flows down to every individual employee. Engrained in each of them is the desire to raise more money than the previous year and to ask every member walking through their door for a donation.

Increased Balloon Inventory

Costco aggressively and strategically increased upfront campaign balloon inventories at the warehouses. This not only kept cost down on re-orders and shipping, but it allowed for as little missed sales as possible. This was an aggressive strategy in terms of cost, but it was worth the risk as register sales make up over half of their overall fundraising.

Regional Involvement

Costco Headquarters increased their regional involvement by creating a process for regions to order large balloons at a cheaper cost. This strategy shift resulted in more large balloons and banners sold than ever before in years past and accounted for nearly $2.5 million in donations alone.

Costco continues to soar to new heights in terms of fundraising and bettering the lives of local kids. This year was no exception!

Thank you, Costco, for all you do for local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across North America.
